Resources for Families in Crisis
Shasta County Crisis Hotlines
- Emergency Assistance: 911
- Community Resources Hotline: 211
- Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
- Shasta County Mental Health: 530-225-5252
- One Safe Place (domestic violence): 530-244-0118 Toll Free: 1-800-329-7297
- Alternatives to Violence: 530-528-0226
- Suicide intervention and referrals: 530-225-5252 Toll Free: 1-800-821-5252
- RESPECT (batterer treatment referrals): 530-224-9083
- APS (Adult Protective Services): 530-225-5798
- CPS (Child Protective Services, reporting abuse/neglect): 530-225-5144
- Substance Abuse (adult and youth): 530-225-5244
- Meth Task Force Hotline: 530-247-7444
- Alcoholics Anonymous 24 Hour Hotline: 530-225-8955
- Narcotics Anonymous 24 Hour Hotline: 530-221-5060
Shasta County Emergency Assistance
Good News Rescue Mission: 530-241-5754
Living Hope Ministries: 530-243-8066
People of Progress: 530-243-3811
Redding Loaves and Fishes: 530-241-1108
One SAFE Place: 530-243-8868 Toll Free: 1-844-244-0177 (Multi-agency help center for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, or elder abuse.)
Shasta County Community Resources
Far Northern Regional: 530-222-4791
Legal Services of Northern California: 530-241-3565
Northern Valley Catholic Social Services: 530-241-0552 Toll Free: 1-800-846-1451
Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency: 530-229-8400
Shasta County Mental Health: 530-225-5200
Shasta County Public Health: 530-225-5591