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Instructional Services

The Enterprise Elementary School District Instructional Services (IS) Department's overall mission is to provide support and assistance for administrators, teachers, and staff in order to provide top quality educational services for students and families.

Our Instructional Services Department works collaboratively with teachers and administrators to develop and carry out a comprehensive Staff Development Plan with a focus on continually improving teaching and learning. This plan is developed based upon areas of need expressed in surveys, assessment data, and in conjunction with our District's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).

Instructional Services oversees the District's implementation of Common Core State Standards, English Language Learner program, Technology Services, GATE, Title I, SEL, and district preschools. The District has a well established reputation as leaders in the innovative use of technology in learning to equip students with 21st century skills.  In addition, the development and revisions of District assessments, standards-based report cards, teacher collaboration and the district’s Multi-tiered System of Supports are coordinated through this department. We work closely with the schools' Site Literacy Teachers and District coaches for Title I, Math and Ed Tech who provide ongoing support, training, and intervention for students and staff.  

The IS staff coordinates state testing including monitoring, disaggregating, and reporting data. Along with state testing data, we provide support to site Leadership Teams in the development of their School Plans for Student Achievement, and are major contributors to the District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). 

Our department also leads the District through the textbook adoption process. We work diligently over the course of a year to provide opportunities for teacher input and piloting in order to select the very best textbooks and instructional resources possible for our students. We encourage parents to participate in the textbook selection process. We truly desire to be partners in education and provide our students with the best, well-rounded education available.

Tiffany Rodrigues

Director of Instructional Services 

Maddie Foss

Administrative Assistant
