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Facility Use

The Enterprise Elementary School District has a long history of partnering with varying community groups to help support Redding area youth.  Often that partnership requires the use of district facilities for meetings, practices, performances, and competitions.  

Our facilities are available to these groups upon meeting four criteria. First, the use of our facility cannot conflict with school or district use. Second, the use of the facility has to benefit students in the age range our district serves (Kinder-8th Grade). Third, proper liability insurance and potential fees for direct costs must be provided. Finally, the campus administrator housing the facility being requested must approve of use.  If all four of these criteria are met and proper documentation provided, you will be permitted to utilize your requested facility.  

As a District we utilize an online facility use agreement.  Please click the link below to complete the  electronic form and attach the insurance declaration page for review by the requested site.  You will be contacted with request status upon completion of review. 


For the Facility Use Agreement

Click Here

Facility Use Information